Welcome Message

The journey to bid for Busan World Expo 2030 is reaching its climax. From the BIE on-site inspection early 2022 to the 4th round
of competition presentation, we've kept stretching forward. Now we'd like to pause for a moment and
catch our breath to ponder upon the genuine value of expo.

Busan World Expo 2030 is the festival to share new possibilities and the message of hope by combining the technological
innovation with the good will of people that cares and respects distant future of mankind.

Therefore, at the 9th International Conference this year Attracting the WORLD EXPO 2030 to Busan, we're going to spend some
time with experts from both Korea and overseas to dig deeper into the three themes presented by Republic of Korea

Throughout the whole process of hosting and preparing for the conference, we're trying to find the sustainable way of life
preserving nature, to develop technology for mankind, and to take care of our neighbors and practice life of
sharing. In this regard, we'd like to ask your active participation.

Bid Committe for Busan World Expo 2030 l Busan Metropolitan City l KCCI